Friday, June 15, 2012

R.I.P. Yvette Wilson

My heart is so broken on this morning along with other long-time fans, friends, and family of the late, great Yvette Wilson who passed from cervical cancer on last night at the young age of 48.  It was just a little over a month ago that I read that she was battling not only cervical cancer, but was in need of a kidney transplant as well.

Her passing has hit close to home for me for two reasons: (1) I would be told from time to time, by total strangers, that I resembled her and (2) Even though I have always and continue to have my regular yearly paps, back in 2008 when I was only 35 years old, my gynecologist discovered that I had abnormal cells on my cervix. 

Needless to say, I was a nervous wreck in between the tests and biopsy I had to have over the course of 3 months to make sure that the cells that kept recurring on my cervix weren't cancerous.  But I thank God that I come from a praying family that gave me a lot of support during this time span.  After all the tests and biopsy was completed, I was given the good news that I didn't have anything to worry about.  Since then, I continue to get checked and continue to be blessed with not having cancerous cells when I have my yearly exam with the last one being this past January and an ultrasound in February as a part of further tests.  Thank you, Jesus!  

However, this blog is not about me, it's about the bubbly and beautiful
Ms. Wilson and other women who are currently battling or have lost their battle to this horrific disease including one of my grandmother's older sisters who lost her battle before she reached the age of 50 back in 1977 (R.I.P.).  As of 2012, according to the National Cancer Institute there have been 12,170 new cases of cervical cancer and 4,220 deaths reported.  This is definitely not a good thing.

We all need to continue to pray and hope that there will be a cure to this deadly disease ASAP!  We are losing too many family and friends to it and this needs to stop now.

But in the meantime, let's cherish the memories of a talented and hilarious lady who I'm sure have had the angels in heaven rolling since she arrived.  The curtains may have went down on her life here on earth, but in our Father's house, the spotlight on her beautiful soul is shining bigger and brighter than it ever has before and will do so for all of eternity.  R.I.P. Sister Girl.


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