Sunday, June 3, 2012

The 21st Day!

Earlier today I realized that I have made it to day 21 of going without any type of cheese on my "30-Day No Cheese Challenge". I would have never thought I could go this long without it. But I won't sit here and say that I haven't been tempted a few times because I have. However, it makes me so proud of myself that I haven't given in up to this point.  Besides, I actually feel much better without it.

I decided to do this challenge for health reasons as well as weight loss.  During my last doctor visit, he informed me that my cholesterol reading wasn't a good one.  Now I'm not making any excuses but I've struggled with cholesterol issues for some time now as it runs in my family: my parents, younger sister, and maternal grandmother all deal with the same struggle and we all take medication(s) for it.  I automatically knew my #1 culprit was cheese which has been my weakness for as long as I can remember because I usually eat it on nearly everything.

During this challenge, it has made me realize that I can truly discipline myself in other areas of my life now that I've struggled with in the past.  This is a great thing for my well-being. 

I only have 9 more days to go on this journey. And who knows...maybe I won't even want any more cheese after I get past day 30! :)


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