Sunday, March 11, 2012

My Thoughts On Oprah's Interview Tonight With Bobbi Kristina And The Houston Family

Now that most or all of us have watched Oprah's "The Next Chapter" interview with Bobbi Kristina and Patricia and Gary Houston, I'd like to give my two cents.

First off, kudos to Ms. Winfrey for conducting a very respectful and in-depth interview with the family a month after the untimely passing of the legendary Whitney Houston.  And how many of us loved and felt the warmth from the hug she gave Bobbi Kristina?

Speaking of Bobbi Kris, she handled herself extremely well during the interview.  Being that I'm blessed to still have both of my parents, I can't even begin to imagine what this young lady is going through.  However, my heart felt a little better in watching how she would smile whenever she mentioned her mother.  

I was also happy with the fact that Bobby Brown's name was not shown in a negative light from the family during the interview.  Now of course none of us will ever really know the truth that lies behind how they interact with one another on a personal level; it was just a relief that for once, since the passing of Whitney, Bobby wasn't the fall guy.

Now as far as other topics that were addressed regarding the alleged exchange of words Whitney had with another singer/X-Factor contestant as well as the younger person in her life that she was chasing a dream of love with, I'm not going to touch on those issues as I wasn't there meaning I can't and won't give my opinion of these two situations. 

The most important matter at hand was that, we, the fans of Whitney Houston were given an opportunity to learn more about her as a loving mother, sister, and friend from those closest to her.  I will continue to keep the family and her mother in my prayers.

We Will Always Love You, Whitney.


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